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Cyclops Force XP 350 LM Headlamp 2 PK

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product code:CYC-HLFXP-2PK



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availability: Rothschild, WI Store   - Qty 4
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The Cyclops Force XP 350 LM headlamp is a budget friendly, 350 lumen light with the ultra bright Cree XT-E S3 LED bulb. The small, light, compact headlamp is water resistant and is perfect for a camping trip or any time you need to see in the dark.

  • Ultra bright Cree XT-E S3 LED:
  • Small, Light, & compact
  • Run Time – 3 hours to 64 hours depending on the light used
  • IPX6 Water resistant
  • (3) AAA Energizer batteries included
  • 3.2 lumen red light
  • 5.5 lumen green light

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